Teaching Astronomy, Learning Astronomy

A refreshing take on learning astronomy with a unique point of view – YOU!

Learn how we all get carried around by the Earth and orient yourself to the Moon, the Sun, the solar system and the Galaxy. You have never learned astronomy like this before.

Quality reading for adults; good for kids astronomy too.

Moon Phases Names – an easy way to remember

Moon Phases Names – an easy way to remember

The 8 Moon Phases NamesHere are the “official” 8 Moon Phases in order:New – the new moon is not visibleWaxing Crescent – the Moon starts growingFirst Quarter – the moon looks like half a circleWaxing Gibbous – still growingFull – we see the entire circle of the Moon lit upWaning Gibbous – the Moon starts … Continue reading "Moon Phases Names – an easy way to remember"...

Analemma answers the question: “What time is it at noon?”

They say even a broken clock is right twice a day. In the same way, the Sun is “right” four times a year; the analemma shows how. What time is it at noon? What a silly question! It’s 12pm noon, at noon, right? … Right? Actually, not really. Picture this: you take a photo of … Continue reading "Analemma answers the question: “What time is it at noon?”"...

Moon Phase Calendar

This Moon Phase calendar prioritizes the Moon Phase instead of the named months. https://starinastar.com/moon/moon-phase-calendar-perpetual.html...
Tristram Shandy’s sky

Tristram Shandy’s sky

The 18th-century English novel “The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman” (better known by its nickname Tristram Shandy – first published in 1759) reached its complete form in 1767. It was released in 9 volumes. Volume IV of Tristram Shandy has a passage describing the celestial positions of the Sun and planets on a … Continue reading "Tristram Shandy’s sky"...
Get closer to the Moon without leaving the Earth

Get closer to the Moon without leaving the Earth

How close can I get to the Moon while still staying on the Earth’s surface? I frame this as a sort of astronomy poem I call an Astronomy Koan. These are short sayings that contain astronomy puzzles. The answers to these puzzles carry insights into physical astronomy concepts. Guy Ottewell has posted an article at … Continue reading "Get closer to the Moon without leaving the Earth"...