Wear the Moon Hat – have fun!
The Moon Hat is no ordinary hat.
The Moon Hat keeps your head warm – yes! And, every day it gently reminds you to be curious about the Moon. It reminds you to observe what usually stays hidden. It reminds you to #doscienceeveryday.
There are many ways to wear a Moon Hat. You can wear the Moon Hat in at least 10 different ways. The Moon Hat is made of soft stretchy fleece with small embroidered Moon phase images placed all around the brim.
The Moon Hat fabric is flexible and foldable.
10 ways to wear the Moon Hat
- Moon Finder – where is the Moon right now
- Phase Reminder – what is the Moon phase right now
- Hidden Moon outside – hide the moons outside
- Hidden Moon inside – hide the moons inside
- Tidal Shores no tag – longshoreman style
- Tidal Shores show tag – longshoreman style
- Moon Slouch – Moon Finder, pull the fleece backward
- Moon Beret – Moon Finder, pull the fleece forward
- Moon Disk – Hidden Moon inside, show one embroidered disk
- Moon Peeker – Hidden Moon inside, peek one embroidered disk
- Halfsies (Bonus #11) – Hide half the phases, wear the hat straight
#1 – The Moon Finder

The standard way to wear the Moon Hat with the new Moon image in front. This creates the model of the Moon, Earth, Sun relationship and helps you understand how the motions of the Moon create the phases that we see from Earth.
Get the current Moon phase. Put the hat on with the New Moon image on your forehead. Face the Sun. Now, all of the Moon phase images point to where the Moon is in the sky. Amazing!
#2 – The Phase Reminder

This everyday style is for people who want to remind themselves of the phases of the Moon and how they change over the 29 and a half days of the cycle. Just choose a Moon phase and put it at the front.
This is a subtle way to keep track of the Moon phases and learn their sky location. Before you put on the hat, pause for a second and consider which phase to wear. And, it doesn’t feel like a Moon phase quiz – it’s fun to put your thinking cap on!
#3 – Hidden Moon outside

Don’t want any Moon phases to show? Just fold up the brim toward the outside of the hat and all of the Moon phase images disappear.
Sometimes a hat is just a hat.
#4 – Hidden Moon inside

Another way to hide the Moon phase images… tuck the brim of the Moon Hat towards the inside. All the Moon phase embroidery is now hidden and you have a sleek cap.
Looking for a unique style? The Moon Hat is flexible.
#5 – Tidal Shores no tag

This is the longshoreman style. Turn the Moon Hat inside out and then fold the brim outward. The brim should be wide enough to both show the Moon phase images and hide the instruction tag.
A close-fitting style that uncovers your ears.
#6 – Tidal Shores show tag

Just like the Tidal Shores no tag, but the brim of the hat is folded thinly so that the tag is revealed. You can wear the tag on the side, or the back, or if you are feeling daring, on the front!
This style makes a strong statement – show off the instruction tag.
#7 – Moon Slouch

This is the Moon Finder style, but pull the Moon Hat upwards to get some amount of fabric standing up away from your head and then pull it backward and flatten it for a sleek look
You can easily wear the Moon Hat pulled up above your ears.
#8 – Moon Beret

This is the Moon Finder style, but pull the Moon Hat upwards to get some amount of fabric standing up away from your head and then pull it forward and flatten it for an intense look.
Folding and bunching the fabric in the hat leads to a renaissance or jester look.
#9 – Moon Disk

The Moon Disk style starts with the Hidden Moon inside, but then you pull the embroidered disk of your favorite Moon phase and place it somewhere – it could be centered on your forehead or placed round the side of your head just behind the ear, or all the way at the back. It’s your choice.
This style lets you show an individual Moon image disk.
#10 – Moon Peeker

This style is the same as the Moon Disk, but pull the Moon phase under the fabric of the brim until it is just peeking out. This style looks particularly good when the disk is just in front of your left or right ear.
This look makes a sly statement.
#11 – Halfsies

Fold down half the Moon Hat brim to hide 4 of the phases, then adjust, and angle the hat so that it looks like it is sitting flat on your head.
An alternative way of hanging your hat.
Go out and play with the Moon Hat
This is a fun and flexible bit of fabric with lots of science and a mountain of style potential. Hide and show the Moon phase images, fold and flex the fabric. Get outside and get curious about the Moon and its motion.