Learning the Zodiac constellations in order is a great way to get familiar with the ecliptic and the celestial sphere. The Zodiac is not just for astrology – astronomers use the constellations of the Zodiac to name 13 regions of the sky.

Zodiac Constellations List
These are the Zodiac constellations in the correct order from Aries to Pisces.
Order | Mnemonic | Name | Description | Emojis |
1 | All | Aries | Ram | ♈ 🐏 |
2 | The | Taurus | Bull | ♉ 🐄 |
3 | Great | Gemini | Twins | ♊ 👯♂️ |
4 | Constellations | Cancer | Crab | ♋ 🦀 |
5 | Look | Leo | Lion | ♌ 🦁 |
6 | Very | Virgo | Virgin | ♍ 👰 |
7 | Lovely | Libra | Scales | ♎ ⚖️ |
8 | Shining | Scorpio | Scorpion | ♏ 🦂 |
9 | Orderly | Ophiuchus | Snake-wrestler | ⛎ 🐍🤼♂️ |
10 | Stars | Sagittarius | Archer | ♐ 🏹 |
11 | Creating | Capricorn | Goat-Fish | ♑ 🐐🐠 |
12 | Animal | Aquarius | Water-bearer | ♒ 🚰 |
13 | Patterns | Pisces | Fish | ♓ 🐟 |
Memorize the Constellations of the Zodiac in order
This mnemonic (memory device) can help you remember the correct order of the constellations of the Zodiac. This is the best way to memorize the order of the constellations of the Zodiac. It starts with Aries and ends with Pisces.
“All the great constellations look very lovely; shining, (orderly) stars creating animal patterns.”
– Alex Davo (original – orderly added by DC)
This sentence is good too – it’s a little bit more romantic.
“A time gone, cowboys loved viewing little stars, (oh) so cold and pretty.”
– Terry Johnson (original – oh added by DC)
Why does the Zodiac constellations list start with Aries?
When astrology was invented it was the same activity as astronomy – observing and cataloging sky objects and their locations) but over the years the two practices have become very different. Astrology is now concerned with how the movement of the skies affects humans while astronomy has become a science. Scientists build knowledge to make predictions about physical events.
During early astrology/astronomy times, the most important thing about the study of the stars was to know where the Sun, Moon, planets, and other solar system objects were located in relation to the steady, orderly background of stars.
Why does the order of the Zodiac constellations read right to left?

The Sun, Moon, and planets seem to move “through” these 13 constellations in order through the year. Starting with Aries, let’s follow the movement of the Sun against the backdrop of the steady stars. The next constellation that the Sun “moves into” is Taurus. Taurus is to the east (left) of Aries! The Sun appears to move into the next Zodiac constellation about once a month.
We know that the Sun is not moving – that it only appears to move through the sky – and that it is the Earth’s orbital motion that is creating this apparent movement.
Why did we add Ophiuchus to the original 12 Zodiac constellations?
Ophiuchus is a constellation, not an astrology “sign.” However, it is an official constellation that intersects the ecliptic. So, while astrologers do not consider this a Zodiac sign, astronomers include it because the constellation is located on the ecliptic.
The Ecliptic is a path in the sky that solar system objects follow
The solar system objects move generally west-to-east in a small band of the sky – this band of sky is called the ecliptic. All the Zodiac constellations are “on” the ecliptic and all the Sun, Moon, planets and other solar system objects move along the ecliptic over time.
There is another line in the sky called the celestial equator that is an imaginary line the rises from the equator of the Earth. The celestial equator and the ecliptic intersect at a “location” in the sky.
Right now in 2020 that intersection location is “in” the constellation Pisces.

However, when astrology was created this intersection point was “in” the constellation Aries.

This was known as the “First Point of Aries.” Astronomer Guy Ottewell writes about this imaginary point in the sky on his website UniversalWorkshop.
You can learn the order of the Zodiac constellations by using the mnemonic device shown in this article. There is a pathway in the sky that the solar system objects seem to follow. It is called the ecliptic. The Zodiac constellations are the 13 constellations lined up in the sky “on” this imaginary line.
The order of the Zodiac constellations is made because of the way the Sun, Moon, and planets seem to move east-to-west past these constellations in order during the year.
We start the Zodiac names list with Aries because the Zodiac constellations were first named thousands of years ago. At this time, the ecliptic intersected the celestial equator “in” the constellation Aries.